The Historic Towns & Villages Forum (HTVF) has been supporting professionals working in the historic built environment since 1987.
The HTVF was founded to establish and encourage contact between local authorities with responsibility for the management of historic towns and cities, and between these authorities and other public, private and voluntary sector agencies: - Through its network of expert practitioners and advisors, through partnership links with Government and non-government organisations, policy makers and private sector companies working in historic towns and cities
- By influencing key policy-making bodies which keeps members' and partners' concerns at the forefront of national agendas
- Through European links including, the European Association of Historic Towns & Regions - (see Europe)
HTVF is funded from three sources: - - Sponsorship & Corporate Partnerships: The Forum has a special relationship with selected private companies, each representing a particular area of interest. These companies enjoy unique benefits and a high profile within the Forum.
- Publication sales and events fees
The HTVF Board, elected by the AGM, meets four times a year to discuss issues, agree work programmes and make policy decisions. 2011 Annual General Meeting Minutes 2010 Annual General Meeting Minutes 2009 Annual General Meeting Minutes 2012-2013 Annual Report (203KB) 2011-2012 Annual Report (323KB) 2010 - 2011 Annual Report (2.9MB) HTVF is administered by part-time staff based in Kellogg College at the University of Oxford. The Forum holds a strategy meeting approximately annually, bringing members of the Forum together, to discuss policy and strategy issues. Minutes for October 2008 Strategy Meeting The Constitution was last amended by the AGM in October 2009. Business Plan 2010 - 2012 Business Plan 2010 - 2012 Additional Information Business Plan 2010 - 2012 Appendices Business Plan 2007 - 2009 |