Extending the Forum's membership to Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, has given us the opportunity to expand the working relationship that we already have with the Irish Walled Towns Network and the Heritage Council. Read more:
Study tour of the Republic of Ireland: The conference held in Kilkenny in June 2009 emphasised the potential for joint working between HTF and the organisations in the Republic of Ireland responsible for the historic environment and tourism. The Forum’s work on the public realm and tourism management is held in great regard in Ireland and we are currently discussing a strategy to exchange information and good practice. Benefits to our Members will accrue through the opportunities to look at a wider range of case studies and to enlarge the Membership base. A report of the event can be seen here: Streetscape across Europe
Former Chair of the Forum, Ian Poole, was awarded a CABE Space Travel Scholarship in 2008. The copiously illustrated, initial report of his study of design and maintenance of streetscape through eight European countries can be seen here (1.85MB) Heritage Zone
EAHTR is developing a new online forum for heritage specialists called 'Heritage Zone' - funded by the EU Culture Programme. The site is now ready for development and can be found at www.heritagezone.net. European Centre on Public Space has launched a new website which will function as a European platform on public space, linking interested organisations and experts. For further details visit: www.spaceforpublic.org 2008 Events
The Forum, in partnership with EAHTR, organised a study tour of the Netherlands to explore how the Dutch manage some of their beautiful historic towns. - read the Report
Presentation given in s-Hertogenbosch. 2007 Events
October 2007 UK Launch of 'INHERIT' Publication at the HTF event held in Newcastle, read more: Chester City Council sent out an invitation to participate in a series of events held between 25-30 June for European week. European week invitation
2006 Events EAHTR here an International symposium in Dubrovnik Events prior to 2006
Slovenian Study Tour - July 2004
Estonian Study Tour - June 2002
Czech Republic Study Tour - July 1998
(printed copies available on request)
Articles from HTF e-news and previous editions of NEWS which relate to this topic can be seen here. |